Wednesday 7 October 2009

Past student's work

Our teachers have explained that soon we will be filming our own Thriller openings. To help us get an understanding of what is expected and to give us some inspiration, we watched some previous AS work.

As a class, we widely agreed that one of the most interesting video clips was 'End of the Line'. It used a variety of shot types to build up an erratic, fast paced introduction. I liked the way they played with the concept of time- both by using a close up of the clock and by showing the sped up movement of the London Eye. Similarly to some of the real Thriller films I have seen, they used lots of close ups initially to draw our attention to particular details, such as the memory stick. They capture the nature of a busy city by showing short, precise clips of London, establishing the setting. This city vibe is continued as we see the character exit and walk down the street, watching him from many different angles, creating the idea that you are always being watched. I thought that the combination of diegetic and non-diegetic sound was really clever, as an atmosphere was created whilst the plot was still continued naturalistically.

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