Sunday 31 January 2010

Sub-genres of Thriller Films

Some Thriller directors and writers make the decision to combine conventions of a Thriller film with ideas from other genres. This can change the target audience of a film.

HORROR This is a very specific genre that people often confuse with Thriller. This is because film makers often combine conventions of Thriller and Horror films in order to add interest and heighten the intensity of a movie. Typical conventions of a Horror include blood and gore, with the intention to shock the audience. Films like 'Hostel' and 'Saw' combine conventions from these genres.

ACTION An Action-Thriller usually has some sort of challenge or race against the clock element to it. Typical motifs are lots of violence, chase scenes and often an obvious antagonist (this could be an individual or a group of some kind). Action-Thrillers sometimes use new technologies to enhance what is happening on screen, eg. green screen, big-budget stunts, exotic locations etc. A great example of a Thrilling Action movie is the James Bond films.

CRIME Using elements of Crime often influences the plot of a Thriller, in that it becomes less psychological and more about the logic behind the crime that has taken place. Examples of common themes of Crime-Thrillers include murder, kidnapping, drug dealing, gang warfare. For example, 'Se7en' and 'Reservoir Dogs' are sometimes classed as Crime-Thrillers.

EROTIC Combining Erotica and Thriller conventions became particularly popular in the 80's, with films like 'Dressed to Kill' and 'Fatal Attraction'. These films may include themes of lust, infatuation and obsessive love, leading to a thrilling plot. Some say that combining such genres is so powerful because Erotica is intended to raise the heartrate and prevoke an emotional reaction, as is the aim of a Thriller.

MEDICAL A Medical-Thriller may involve characters whom are in the profession (eg. doctors, nurses, surgeons). This would naturally lend to setting a film in a hospital of some kind. Typical plots of Medi-Thrillers include solving a medical problem, medical experiments gone wrong and life-or-death situations. Some Medical films are based on elements of true stories, like 'The Hot Zone'. Others may only take some conventions of a Medical film (like in 'The Dark Knight' where a hospital is used as part of the setting).

PSYCHOLOGICAL I personally find Psychological-Thriller films the most Thrilling, because they often plant things into the audience's minds that will generate a reaction and (if it's a good film) leave you thinking about it for days. Psychological films are usually based on the mental and emotional conflict between characters, as opposed to physical combat. Sometimes there will be a character who has a psychological problem which leads to their strange behaviour. 'Hostage' takes some conventions of a Psychological-Thriller, adding extra suspense and originality.

RELIGIOUS Typically, the themes, storylines and characters are, in some way, founded in religion with a Religious-Thriller. This could include historical, religious conflict, the beginning of a new religion and often elements of corruption. This offers the opportunity for grand settings, much like the set of 'Angels and Demons', based on the Dan Brown book.

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