Tuesday 10 November 2009

Filming Prelim Task (take one)

Our first job was to take our cameras and list of shots to find a location to film. We experienced problems to begin with (it was a busy time of day so there were lots of people around who were in the way or making noise, one room would have been ideal but there wasn't very much space for our equipment, corridor areas were much darker than we expected). Eventually, we found a room but after filming a few shots, the room was needed by another class, therefore we had to leave and return to our classroom for the end of lesson.
We were really disappointed that we were unable to complete the task first time round. I now know that when it comes to film our thriller sequences, we must take into consideration a great variety of factors, including things that are out of our control like our working environment. This means we will need to have back up plans in place, just in case we get into a similar situation with our final project (whereby we will not have time to re-schedule and re-film).

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