Wednesday 25 November 2009

Shot List


1. CU radio (hear static noise at first, fades to music playing)

2. MS young woman drying her hair

3. MS of the dressing table, pan to show her putting on lipstick

4. Multiple on-screen shot-
*left half of screen~ woman standing in front of her wadrobe, opens it
*top right of screen~ CU of glass of wine
*bottom right of screen~ MS of her makeup scattered on the table

5. Bird's eye shot- woman getting her shoes on

6. Worm's eye shot- of her feet, leaving the room from the gap in her door (she goes out of shot, light turns off, door slams)

7. CU of clock ticking

8. ECU of scattered makeup

9. LS of kitchen, hear the tap dripping, see the flash of car lights going past window

10. Low angle shot from the banister at bottom of stairs (hear scratching, the door opens, shadow of man is seen)

11. ECU light switch, light comes on

12. MS (from doorway, looking at the man's back) man walks to kitchen

13. LS establishing the kitchen

14. MCU him putting gloves on

15. CU of him dragging his finger along the worktop

16. POV checking his fingers for dirt

17. MS (side on) opens fridge, slowly reaches in

18. (cut to) Over the shoulder shot, him reaching into the drawer for knife

19. MS (side on) him lifting up the knife- it shines slightly in the light

20. Bird's eye shot of the knife cutting grapefruit, he puts his fingers in the juice, lifts hand to mouth

21. ECU (slow motion) wiping the juice from his mouth

22. MS he throws the gloves into the bin

23. Low angle MLS- his legs are seen as he goes up the stairs

24. MS from the gap in her bedroom door, stillness and silence, his face suddenly appears in the gap

25. Worm's eye shot- door slowly opening and he comes into the room (see his feet)

26. LS from behind photo frame. He is out of focus. His head turns, he comes into focus. He rushes towards the photo

27. POV, he lifts up the photo

28. ECU of his eyes, he stares intensely

29. Over the shoulder shot (but slightly further away than the shoulder) he puts the picture down gently. Sudden turn of his head, half of his face is seen

30. Low angle MS slowly reaches for the hairbrush on the table, holds it still and pulls a hair from it. begins to wrap it around his little finger lovingly. Hear her come in, see his reaction. Stillness as he waits for her, we hear her coming up the stairs on the phone, getting nearer. He looks up at the door

31. LS of door from the bed where her purse is, door swings open, she enters the room. Moment of stillness, grabs the purse, turns to go and notices ensuite light is on. She goes to the door

32. CU of her hand on the door handle

33. Two Shot- the door splits the screen, he is stood hidden behind the door and she is on the other side, she reaches for the light switch

34. black screen END SCENE

[group work]

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